Why Massage Therapy?

Massage is best known as a way to help you relax and relieve stress.  A gentle soothing massage can reduce stress, relieve muscle aches, improve your mood and sleep habits. However, the lesser-known fact is that Massage also has benefits far beyond mere relaxation. Massage Therapy in a clinical setting is given by highly trained, skillful and fully Registered Professionals who are educated to seek, find and focus on specific problem areas. This Therapeutic type of Massage involves more focused work on the body’s soft tissue and joint mobilizations: the healthy range of motion, the muscles, tendons and ligaments that move and support your whole body. A Physician, Chiropractor or Physiotherapist might recommend a Massage Therapist to complement other active therapies to help treat a particular area, or recommend a Massage Therapist if other traditional treatments fail to produce the desired results. Receiving Massage Therapy on a regular basis may help in this case as well.

It can ease discomfort and pain

A Registered Massage Therapist can work on a number of medical issues that are either chronic (meaning they last a long time) or acute (a medical issue that has happened recently and can be cared for in the near future).

These issues can include:

  • Repetitive Stress Injuries from sitting or standing for many hours a day.
  • Neck pains, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Tension Headaches or Sinus Headaches.
  • Whiplash.
  • Temporomandibular Joint and Muscle Disorders (TMJ Disorder).
  • Strains and Sprains (after seeing a doctor and inflammation has gone down).
  • Back pains.
  • Tendonitis.
  • Radiating or referral pains.
  • And many other muscle and various medical conditions.

Therapeutic Massage vs. Relaxation Massage

Therapeutic Massage may feel deeper and slightly less flowy than a regular relaxation massage. Tenderness and healing pains are generally normal sensations during the treatment and are very common a few days following therapy. Communication is highly important at all times. Letting the Therapist know immediately if the pressure feels too deep, not deep enough, feels uncomfortable in any way at any given time, too hot or too cold, are all vital to the healthy healing process of any personal treatment goal.  A “chatty” Therapist is also a common complaint from clients.  Therapists generally want to know and should be aware of your comfort and quiet levels prior to or during any therapy without the feeling of any guilt or disruption of treatment. The Therapist may also use various techniques during your treatment session.

Depending on training, education and experience, they may incorporate deep-tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point work, joint mobilization or passive-resistive stretching techniques.