Shyin Dixon

Massage Therapy
Massage With Laser Therapy
BKin, 2200 hours – insurance claimable

As a born and raised Calgarian, Shyin has developed a passion for helping clients achieve their wellness goals through treatment, homecare exercises and stretches. She works both individually, and collaboratively, to create individualized treatment plans for clients of all backgrounds. Using her experience in hockey and football, Shyin’s practice is focused on aiding clients through injury rehabilitation in addition to injury prevention. Her treatments utilize a combination of deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, manual stretching, and fascial work. Overall, her areas of focus include treatment of the upper back, neck, and shoulders and takes a special interest in treating neurological based conditions.

After completing her Bachelors of Kinesiology with a major in Mind Sciences from the University of Calgary, Shyin chose to enroll in the 2200-hour Massage Therapy diploma at Mount Royal University. She furthered her education by taking courses in dynamic cupping and kinesiotaping to expand her skill set. In the future she is planning to take more courses focusing on fascial release and whiplash management.

On her days off, you can normally find Shyin spending her time rock climbing, whipping up something sweet in the kitchen, or pestering her cat, Severus!

To book an appointment with Shyin please call the clinic. 403-764-1400

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